Subject of the talk
An introduction to the principles of the Alexander Technique and how they can help the musician.
Learn how the use of oneself precedes and improves the use of the instrument.
Learn how awareness of one’s unnoticed habits interfere with dealing efficiently with stress and posture related problems.
Hands on experience
An opportunity to experience the Alexander Technique hands on approach for improving coordination and use of oneself.
The Alexander Technique manual work consists in a very subtle contact which helps improve poise and self-perception, and allows initiation of new or improved reactions and movements.
Questions and Answers
This is the place to receive an answer to your questions about the Alexander Technique.
And the place to find out if the Alexander Technique can be of any help for you.
Come even if only curiosity brings you here.
Reading about the Alexander Technique or looking at videos can be misleading and lead to a very limited understanding of the real scope of the Alexander Technique.
Booking required
or 0477 29 10 53