Pain and health
When we are not well or/and in pain, we can easily slip into a less reliable sense state. The Alexander Technique will help you learn to prevent instinctive reactions to misuse and pain, and develop conscious and constructive procedures to preserve an healthy relation to yourself during illness and recovery.
Neck Tensions
By the very nature of the Alexander Technique’s perspective into the use of ourselves the region of the neck is given a primary importance and is the first one to be dealt with, before any other. The Alexander Technique sees a free neck as a sign of good poise and a primary step to improving overall conscious coordination.
Back Pain
The Alexander Technique promotes a good use of oneself, which includes a strong and flexible spine. Back pain is often the result of either a lack of sufficient proper activity of a malcoordinated repetition of movements of the trunk. The Alexander Technique will help become better grounded for freer legs and a stronger back.
Traumas change people’s life in various way. The perception of reality is always and continuously affected as traumas, to a certain extent, are part of life. The Alexander Technique helps creating in oneself a stable and constant reference helping adaptation towards an improved statef of functioning.