Subject of the talk An introduction to the principles of the Alexander Technique and how they can help the musician. Learn how the use of oneself precedes and improves the…
Subject of the talk An introduction to the principles of the Alexander Technique and how they relate to the practice of any kind of physical exercise. You will learn how…
Subject of the talk An introduction to the principles of the Alexander Technique and how it can help initiate movement in a new and free way. Hands on experience An…
Introductory workshop as part of events during the international Alexander Technique awareness week Come and find out about the importance of the way you use yourself in order to initiate…
This workshops will give you the opportunity to become aware of the practical implications of the principles of the Alexander Technique in your everyday and professional life in relation to movement, stress,…
Subject of tonight’s introductory talk on the Alexander Technique Movement starts deep within ourselves, long before we are aware of, where it can be neither seen nor felt, where only…